Korg Electribe Electribrary

Korg electribe ea-1
testing - Q3HD video setting and sounds. i recorded my electribe on Q3HD back to the 1999!?

youtube inspiration 

Korg ms-20 & monotribe midi control from electribe emx
ELECTRIBE からのMIDI信号で、MS-20(ch.5:Melo)とMONOTRIBE(ch1:Bass&ch10:Rhythm)をコントロールしています。 MS-20はPRO-SOLO Mk2で、MIDI-CV変換。 MONOTRIBEはMIDITRIBEを装着しています。

youtube inspiration emx 

Korg electribe ea-1 demo, sold by me on ebay uk in october 2010
Here's a quick demo of just a few things this amazing bit of kit can do. It's effectively 2 analog modelled synths, pattern and song sequencers, with filters...

youtube inspiration 

Sunday synth jam (microkorg, electribe, monotron, ...)
A Sunday synth jam. Have questions or comments? Go ahead and post them below! :) Thanks for watching! Also, why don't you go ahead and check out my newer stu...

youtube inspiration 

Electribe 101 - talking with myself (the john peel session)
recorded live on the john peel session at bbc london 13.11.1989 the cd is available at www.billieraymartin.com/mart 3 songs Released by: stahl2 Release/catal...

youtube inspiration