Korg Electribe Electribrary


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Leon du star 128 sx oscillators in 1
a multishot (synth-slices-in-one) sample which contains almost 128 oscillators

the list of all included oscillators:

Most basic oscs are saw/sine/square and such, in 2nd, 4th, and 6th octave variations. For each variation there's also a interval variation (with a 1st,2nd,3nd harmonic added).

How to use: check this youtube tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sE-Wq0MqqCQ . load this sample into your SX. Goto sample, timeslice the sample, the only exception to the youtube-tutorial is to select 128/16 slices (hint: use shift+dial) and make sure every step is lit (128 steps) .

loopedsample oscillators synth slices synthslice 128 


.wav with loopdata cannot be previewed, just import into your OpenElectribe Editor and/or hardware/software.

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Rm1x drums #2
yamaha rm1x drums

part #2

* 128 carefully sampled drums
* processed with JJ tubes 
* every hit is normalized 
* every hit is aligned with sample-multishotifier

in other words, you can load this in your .ESX and switch samples using the start-positionknob

multishot drums yamaha rm1x multishot aligned 128  


.wav with loopdata cannot be previewed, just import into your OpenElectribe Editor and/or hardware/software.

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Rm1x drums #1
yamaha rm1x drums

part #1

* 128 carefully sampled drums
* processed with JJ tubes 
* every hit is normalized 
* every hit is aligned with sample-multishotifier

in other words, you can load this in your .ESX and switch samples using the start-positionknob

multishot drums yamaha rm1x multishot aligned 128 


.wav with loopdata cannot be previewed, just import into your OpenElectribe Editor and/or hardware/software.

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Part of Adventure kid's AKWF one-cycle Waveforms @ http://www.adventurekid.se

loopedsample adventurekid singlecycle onecycle waveform 


.wav with loopdata cannot be previewed, just import into your OpenElectribe Editor and/or hardware/software.

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Part of Adventure kid's AKWF one-cycle Waveforms @ http://www.adventurekid.se

loopedsample adventurekid singlecycle onecycle waveform