Korg Electribe Electribrary

Live joker : elektron octatrack electribe sx moog slim phatty
Live playing with Elektron Octatrack, all Synthsounds Moog Slim Phatty Drums Electribe SX.

youtube inspiration 

Demo live electribe korg esx -1 - le sampleur fou
Petite demo d'un live frenchcore avec une esx-1 de korg. Le sampleur fou - Molotov sound6tem myspace: www.myspace.com/anomaliesensoriel samplestation: http:/...

youtube inspiration esx 

Kaossilator / electribe dnb live session
Just messing about with an electro/trancy sounding DNB. Kaossilator plugged int the ES-1 for the effects then a sort of scratching thing using the ES-1 to ga...

youtube inspiration