Korg Electribe Electribrary


.wav with loopdata cannot be previewed, just import into your OpenElectribe Editor and/or hardware/software.

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Leon du star 128 sx oscillators in 1
a multishot (synth-slices-in-one) sample which contains almost 128 oscillators

the list of all included oscillators:

Most basic oscs are saw/sine/square and such, in 2nd, 4th, and 6th octave variations. For each variation there's also a interval variation (with a 1st,2nd,3nd harmonic added).

How to use: check this youtube tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sE-Wq0MqqCQ . load this sample into your SX. Goto sample, timeslice the sample, the only exception to the youtube-tutorial is to select 128/16 slices (hint: use shift+dial) and make sure every step is lit (128 steps) .

loopedsample oscillators synth slices synthslice 128 

Seamless (background)loops tutorial on esx
http://www.leondustar.nl (my blog)
http://electribrary.2webapp.com (electribe resources)
http://leondustar.bandcamp.com/releases (my songs made with electribe)
The slicing-algorithm of the electribe esx contains a nifty automatic crossfade-loop-feature which can be really handy. Here's a demonstration of a technique which can create interesting effects without using extra samplememory. Hope you like it. (WARNING: european english is used :)

HINT #1: optionally you can resample the seamless loop, and put  it on a drumpart. Whenever you experience a 'click'-sound re-apply the envelope 'fadein' trick as shown at 03:38

HINT #2: The sample above was extracted from a soundfont, so it was already loopable (hence the 'all'-slice was looping). So, this means you can prepare a looping sample on your laptop: in your waveeditor apply a fadeout on the end of your sample. Then apply a fadein on the beginning of your sample. Cut that first-part, and mix (not paste) it with the end of your sample. Voila its a seamless looping sample. Hope it makes sense :) If not let me know and I'll demonstrate it in a video.

Respect to my electribe brothers Nick Salerno, Sauce, Andygaro, Electromachines, Dmitry Yashin,Samuel Faivre, Georg Grabner, Hannu Salomaki, Paulo Marques, Franz Keller, Walter Haisenberkk, Acid Baka, Matt LbFu, Katsuyoshi Shishido, Mickey Boggia, Steve Lockett, Mortimer Killerhundwelpen, Walter Haisenberkk, Marcus Kautz, and all the people who I forgot.

Happy electribing! :D

Get free samples/packs by liking: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Electribrary/434106590008478 (=electribrary facebookpage)

tutorial esx electribe tutorial loops backgroundloop ambient seamless 

Sharing is caring. Lets build a big awesome online database, so create and upload some multisamples here as well. See the SoX utilities to easily convert a directory of samples into one multishots.
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S4r drumkits
converted samplepack http://www.kvraudio.com/banks.php?s=dl&amp;id=1459 into multishot using sox + lame

multishot drumkits loops 

Korg electribe es-1: how to sample, truncate, loop, apply effect
Note: This is not a beat making video! Please turn on annotations. This is a how-to video for Korg Electribe ES-1 users (beginners only). In this video, I de...

youtube inspiration 


.wav with loopdata cannot be previewed, just import into your OpenElectribe Editor and/or hardware/software.

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Part of Adventure kid's AKWF one-cycle Waveforms @ http://www.adventurekid.se

loopedsample adventurekid singlecycle onecycle waveform