Korg Electribe Electribrary


.wav with loopdata cannot be previewed, just import into your OpenElectribe Editor and/or hardware/software.

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Ugly noise
looped instrument extracted by electribrary from public domain soundfont

loopedsample ugly noise 


.wav with loopdata cannot be previewed, just import into your OpenElectribe Editor and/or hardware/software.

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Background noise eerie
looped instrument extracted by electribrary from public domain soundfont

loopedsample background noise eerie 

Dsi tempest
DSI Tempest samples for the Korg Electribe ESX-1. 
All samples created by Mauricio Balma, 2013.  For free sharing. 

Mono directory: 00-41
Kicks: 42-72
Bass: 73-90
Snares: 91-111
Hi-hat, HPF : 112-169
Percussions, miscelaneous sounds : 170-211
Effects, glitch, noises : 212-255
Analog oscillators,  VS wavetables.

esxfile tempest dsi kick bass snare hihat percussion glitch noise effect oscillator wavetable 


.wav with loopdata cannot be previewed, just import into your OpenElectribe Editor and/or hardware/software.

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Vinyl background noise
perfectly looped vinylnoise to give your beats a dusty vintage sound.

loopedsample background noise vinyl dusty 


.wav with loopdata cannot be previewed, just import into your OpenElectribe Editor and/or hardware/software.

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Whitenoise buildups/beatdrops
looped whitenoise, really effective for buildups or beatdrops. Apply a bit of amp-modulation (so it will raise its volume on each afterbeat) to mimic sidechain-ducking. Really nice for liveperformances.

loopedsample whitenoise swoosh buildup