Korg Electribe Electribrary

Esx stretch-synthesize tutorial
Youtube tutorial which explains: showing you how to stretch samples in realtime. This allows for making totally new sounds only by fooling around purely in sample-mode. Great to make single soundscapes, to merge into one sample at a later stage. For more tutorials/tools 

tutorial stretch tutorial esx electribe 

Acd rmb piano
Customized ESX pack made by button (contact him on korgforums.com)

esxfile piano ac drums 

Slava fangel remixpack
You can download the current state of my Korg Electribe ESX in it's entirety.
It includes all current samples and patterns including all of the new Comma Sutra EP, all tracks other than 'Hold On' from Raw Solutions and "I've Got Feelings Too" and Whirlpool from Soft Control.
I'm curious to see other Electribe users remixing or simply performing these tracks. This site will also soon include a space for others to upload and share their remixes.

esxfile slava remixpack 

Electribome (es|m|x to monome)
Just another fun little monome emulator type thing. I was getting curious about how much better a monome 128 would be. Using the MIDI keyboard on the Korg Electribe you can get 16 columns horizontally, and 9 rows vertically using the drum parts (ESX) or 5 rows from the keyboard parts (EMX).

Instructions (Korg ESX)

Select Keyboard Part 1 and make sure the octave setting is on the lowest setting:
Select the MIDI device that the Electribe is connected to.
Set the row by choosing a drum part. Remember that afterwards you will have to reselect Keyboard Part 1.
Instructions (Korg EMX)

Press one of the keyboard parts (1-5) to select a row.
Make sure it’s on the lowest octave setting (see above)
Note: You don’t need anything else running (monomeserial etc). It also makes sense not to have the volume on!

contact author @ http://ewanhemingway.co.uk/blog/electribome/

tool monome msp max utility 


.wav with loopdata cannot be previewed, just import into your OpenElectribe Editor and/or hardware/software.

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Rm1x notes
yamaha rm1x note-samples

* C2/C3/C4 notes of some nice instruments
* processed with JJ tubes

just sample a note, and apply the ESX chord table to get some
nice chords going @ http://electribrary.2webapp.com/item/2450

multishot notes lead bass yamaha rm1x