Korg Electribe Electribrary

Writerly mistabishi emx liveset
this is the .emx file which mistabishi used on his liveset @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SA-Z1gsrRc

pretty impressive stuff

emxfile emx liveset patterns 

New electribes 2014
new electribes will be shipping in november 2014!2

inspiration 2014 new electribes korg 

Howto do chords on esx..fast!
checkout the electribrary : http://electribrary.2webapp.com
my website: http://www.leondustar.nl
and my facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leon.dustar

the korg electribe esx is monophonic..or not? Well yes and no..here's how to easily create polyphonic chords. 
Happy electribing!

tutorial tutorial chords esx electribe howto 

Howto swell sounds during transitions
it *IS* possible to have soundoverlap between patterns. here a small demonstration of a one way of doing that. This is just a simple demonstration, if both patterns share the same tempo, one can easily resample a loop, and have it cascade into the next pattern.
Key points: create a looped sound, use keyboardpart 1 or 2, put 'eg time' at 75%, and make sure the next pattern is not triggering any notes (it will break the sound from the previous pattern).ofcoarse using loops etc).

tutorial swell audioengineering electribe esx tutorial sweep 

Free Korg Electribe ESX-file based on the Multimoog, the big brother to the Micromoog. It's a classic monophonic synth that features 2 oscillators, a ribbon controller, variable waveforms, flexible sample and hold, LFO, aftertouch (for pitch, VCF, or LFO rate) and a great sounding 24dB Moog filter. Like the Micromoog, the Multimoog was designed to be a cheaper alternative to the Minimoog. It is used by Underworld.

Custom ESX pack made by button (contact him on korgforums.com)

esxfile moog multimoog underworld synth pack