Korg Electribe Electribrary

Electribe emx dubstep tune
http://de.myspace.com/discoremusic Dubstep pattern on my Korg Electribe EMX. It's hissing because I forgot to mute the audio track of the camera.

youtube inspiration emx 

Korg electribe esx-01 - seros - tribe / hardteck
KORG ELECTRIBE ESX01 Seros Tribe Hardteck. Seros306004 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 4. 979 views. Like 6 Dislike 1. Like <b>...</b> korg electribe esx1 minimalby Atomsphere22 1005 views &middot; 2509. Watch Later live dubstep MASSIVE + KORG ELECTRIBE ESX1 LIVE DUBSTEP sunkingz djrapstarby djrapstarvideo 1528 views &middot; 959. Watch Later tek livesetkorg electribe esx by vikkeiby Vitto oVikkei 25651 views &middot; 159. Watch Later Goa Trance in Electribe SXby arthurlamorz 29092 views &middot; 1016 <b>...</b>

youtube inspiration esx 

Electribe esx1 + guitar drum & bass - lonely trumpet - instrumental
FLY WITH MEhttp://lucidspore.tumblr.com/ finally got a video of us playing lonely trumpet =] so tell me what you think (original work)

youtube inspiration esx 

Ross kelly - infrared (korg electribe ea1, er1 and es1 mk2)
I'm trying to get away from using the computer for music production. I recently picked up the ES1 Mk2 sampler, which I have to say is a very nice piece of ki...

youtube inspiration